Swearngin Ranches LLC is a first-generation family owned and operated, working cattle ranch located in the rolling hills north of Lawrence, Kansas. We are unique, in that we are 100% ranchers that have built our operation from scratch, step-by-step, over the last 35 plus years. We started as commercial cattlemen, and along the way we have utilized other breeds while owning and managing cattle in other geographies, giving us a vast understanding of multiple forages and environments, as well as overcoming enormous challenges.
Angus Cattle, it's our Foundation... Breeding to preserve the Working Bloodlines of Angus!
In the 35 years of breeding and managing cattle in our environments, we came to the financial conclusion that completely understanding and knowing Genotype is the cornerstone of everything we do! Everything our cattle can and can't do. Our cattle have paid for everything we have, and everything we will have and do.
Efficiency isn't just in our cattle but also in every step we take and every dollar that is made.
We only use the "Legendary Bloodlines" as they work not only for us, but also for the cattlemen of today. Follow us on Facebook for current activities with us and the ranch.
Integrity and authenticity. Two fundamentals that define how we do business.
Genetics provide the ultimate authenticity. Historical methods of trait measurement involve some guess-work and pseudo-science.
Swearngin Ranches uses the latest technology to ensure we are constantly providing our customers with the most authenticity science can provide. We use AgBoost for genetic analysis, as well as herd management, and parentage.